Warehouse, distribution & office.

Contact information & opening hours.

Our telephone exchange

Phone: 031-767 75 00
E-mail: kontakt@tamro.com

Contact customer service for

Opening hours: Weekdays 8.30AM-7.15PM (closed for lunch 12PM-12.40PM).
Phone: 0771-15 00 10
E-mail: kundservice@tamro.com

Orders & support

Opening hours: Weekdays 8AM-4:30PM
Phone: 031-767 76 43
E-mail: support.order@tamro.com

Order vaccine

Non-ordinary pharmacy customer can order vaccin from Tamro via the contact information below: 
Phone: 0771-15 00 30
Opening hours: Weekdays 8AM-4:30PM
E-mail: vaccin@tamro.com

Press contact

Pontus Moberg
E-mail: pontus.moberg@tamro.com

Product complaints

Has one of your products been damaged while in our care? Call +46 771-15 00 10 or write to kundservice@tamro.com. For other issues, please contact the manufacturer.

Recall management

Phone: 031-767 75 00
E-mail: info.varuforsorjarna@tamro.com
For cancellations outside of business hours, please contact Falck Läkarbilar, 040-22 35 38. Read more about Recall of pharmaceuticals.

New pharmacy

Are you new to the pharmacy market? We ensure that your pharmacy receives effective and reliable deliveries.
E-mail: nyttapotek@tamro.com

Goods receipt

Business hours 2023
Open Monday to Friday 7AM - 3.30PM

Tamro goods reception is open weekdays, except for the following holidays:
January 6, April 7, April 10, May 1, May 18, June 6, June 23, December 25, December 26.

Business hours 2024
Open Monday to Friday 7AM - 3.30PM

Tamro goods reception is open weekdays, except for the following holidays:
January 1, January 6, March 29, March 31, April 1, May 1, May 9, May 19, June 6, June 21-22, November 2, December 24-26, December 31.

Tamro distribution and central warehouse: Gothenburg

  • Box 49 | 401 20 Göteborg
  • Importgatan 18-20 | Gate 50-52 | 422 46 | Hisings Backa

Tamro central warehouse: Orrekulla

  • Orrekulla industrigata 47 | 425 36 Hisings Kärra
  • Orrekulla industrigata 47 | 425 36 Hisings Kärra

Tamro distribution centre and central warehouse: Stockholm

  • Box 6091 | 141 06 Kungens Kurva
  • Prismavägen 6 | 141 75 Kungens Kurva

Tamro distribution centre: Umeå

  • Box 3000 | 903 02 Umeå
  • Formvägen 7 | 906 21 Umeå

Tamro centrallager: Eskilstuna

  • Sättargatan 1 | 632 29 Eskilstuna
  • Sättargatan 1 | 632 29 Eskilstuna